My Short Stories on

  1. The Old Man and the Dog
  2. On the Bench
  3. Predator and Prey
  4. The Patron of the Arts
  5. The Pecan Trees
  6. In a Puff of Smoke
  7. Sometimes You Roll the Ball
  8. Send in the Kid
  9. Shed
  10. Reading Glasses
  11. Relief and Celebration
  12. Study Hall
  13. Suburban Blues
  14. The Old Book
  15. The Room
  16. Too Much, Too Much, Just Enough
  17. Two Walls and a Roof
  18. Uncle Bill
  19. Under the House
  20. Will Write for Food
  21. With My Dad
  22. Maybe that Stops Now
  23. Short Stories about Writing
  24. Short Stories Set in the South
  25. Short Stories in Rural Settings
  26. A Building
  27. The Sun is Still Sitting
  28. The Secret of Third Route, Mississippi
  29. Al-Qaeda
  30. The Last Public High School in America
  31. Someone Pushed Down the Sky
  32. I'm Going to Live
  33. Like Charlie Dickens
  34. Another Blank Page
  35. Jump for the Flag Pole
  36. Zombie Planes
  37. Zombie Planes - The First Day
  38. Armed Robbery
  39. RunningForPressident.Wordpress.Com
  40. Coffee with God
  41. Wondering How You were Doing
  42. What's New?
  43. Chats with Interesting People
  44. The First Time
  45. What is Happening Down There
  46. Time Frozen
  47. Interested Persons
  48. The Human Test Lab
  49. Ten Hours to Life
  50. Highway 340
  51. The Chihuahuas
  52. A Library
  53. Cooking at the Picnic
  54. The Cat in the Bag
  55. A Baby and a Banjo
  56. The Coward
  57. The Hacker
  58. Escape from New York
  59. The Essentials
  60. The Gifts of the Wishful Thinkers
  61. Visiting the Farm Home
  62. Garage Debt
  63. Esther's Grandfather
  64. Under Control Now
  65. A Dark Night
  66. The Before Building
  67. No Hot Dog Stories
  68. Biscuits
  69. I was Hungry
  70. I Want Them to Like Me
  71. Through the Looking Glass
  72. Off the Interstate
  73. Quite a Name
  74. Late
