Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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What was My Question? What is Yours?

October 10th, 2016 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

I am not a reporter asking a political candidate a question. I actually expect the other person to hear and answer the question I ask. What is wrong with me?

I am currently taking a series on online classes. I ask questions in these classes. I am paying for these classes. I expect someone to answer me. The key point is:

I expect someone to answer the question I asked. Not some other question.

I suppose there is something wrong with me. I strongly suspect there is something wrong with my expectations. After a dozen tries, no one has answered any question I asked.

Let’s step outside the online classes and move back into some semblance of real life. I am on some sort of losing streak in my life when it comes to asking questions. I think long and hard on how to word my question. I ask it as plainly as I can. The other person comes back with a discussion of how to make yogurt or some other off-the-wall subject.

Tip: ask the other person to repeat back what question they heard.

Most other persons find this quite annoying and often huff and walk away.

Other tips are welcome. First tip, “Change my expectations.”

Now to the other side. What question did the other person ask me? Something inside me screams that I should pay attention and try to answer the question instead of changing the subject to making yogurt.

Tags: Communication · Questions

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