by Dwayne Phillips
That sounds like a good sci fi title, but this is reality.
Georgia, all of it, is in the eastern time zone. I am in the far, far northwest corner of Georgia (Trenton, GA). The sun comes up here at 7:15AM. In all time zones at this time of year the sun rises at about 6:15 AM (check it out on or elsewhere). Hence, this place should be in the central time zone so the sun would rise at the right time.
The same goes for Chattanooga, TN. The sun rises at 7:15.
Ten miles southwest of here I will enter Alabama. All of Alabama is in the central time zone. The sun will rise at 6:15 like it “should.”
Such is life at the edge of a time zone. I wonder about the long-term effects of living in such a place.
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