Dwayne Phillips' Day Book

Items I happen to view each day. Science, Technology, Management, Culture, and Writing

    This is my day book for this week. It is a log of things I see on the Internet.

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This week: 23-29 May, 2022

Summary of this week:

Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday - Saturday - Sunday

Monday 23 May 2022

AMD is attempting processors that will allow for a good-performing laptop with 10 hours of battery life for $500. I hope they make it.

AMD announces its next line of processors. Called the Ryzen 7000 series, it uses a 5 nm manufacturing process.

It is still early, but Broadcom is looking to buy VMWare.

General Atlantic, a global investment firm, plans to invest $2billion in India and Southeast Asia. The region has low-cost everything and good talent.

"The purpose of speech is to alert others to our point of view, and the purpose of conversation is to connect and to persuade."---Seth Godin

This seems to be not very new, but is quite new to me: sober curious and the sober curious movement..

Few is America are likely to notice this, but our President just pledged to defend Taiwan if China attacks it. This will be giant news in the Pacific region.

In America, we burn mountains of trash to generate electricity. This comes as a shock to some adults.

Some thoughts on the Go programming language.

Thoughts on writing an outline for a novel. I think "outline" brings memories of torture in English classes. Plan a bit. Follow the plan except when you don't follow the plan.

Why write when things are "bad?" Because we write. That is what we do. There have been many pieces in the pandemic about how it was impossible to focus etc. Just do it folks. The sun still comes up in the morning. And if it doesn't, we will REALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO WRITE ABOUT.

And, coincidently, here is yet another story about how the pandemic crippled writers and what in the world are we to do?

Thoughts on writing speculative fiction. I thought all fiction was "speculative."

Some of the advantages of writing short stories. Try writing a few dozen. It may be fun.

The struggle to write about characters who are "morally good" or "evil." I find no struggle in that. Perhaps I am so old that I have met many of each.

The poison of comparison as it hits some writers. No, I don't write as good as fill-in-the-blank. So?

The concept of a writing sample and how to have a few on hand. Take care with this. Write samples about silly and far-fetched items. If you write real ones, some people will steal from you.

"Standing out is about embracing and being yourself to the best of your ability." I agree. If they don't like you, you shouldn't work with them.

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Tuesday 24 May 2022

Real news that isn't news: another European regulator fines another successful American company million$$$.

Pandemic prosperity continues for Zoom.

TikTok has a new subscription that will help creators make more money. Caution: TikTok has been called a "Chinese weapons system" by experts given the amount and type of information it collects and the recipient of that information.

Meanwhile in California, a law is in the works that allows parents to sue social media companies if their children become "addicted."

And now we have a 500 FramesPerSecond gaming monitor from Asus. No price yet, but it is coming real soon now.

London has a new railway system called Crossrail. Building it was the largest construction project in Europe.

Meta expands the amount of data that it is sharing with researchers.

Nvidia has added liquid cooling to some of its GPU cards going to data centers. They claim a 30% drop in the cost of cooling.

Companies are making the office a place people want to go. They want people to return, so make it nicer. Let's see what happens. Insider information: US Federal offices are not doing any of this.

Tales of programming in Lisp. Some of us experienced the pain.

Unlimited paid time off has many benefits for the employer and not so many for the employee.

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Wednesday 25 May 2022

Someone thinks it important that if I type "dog on a surfboard" that a computer creates such a picture. Waste of technical talent on junk.

Microsoft partners with Qualcomm to bring AI processors to basic Windows.

Here is a little more information on the Microsoft-Qualcomm deal.

Microsoft announces Dev Box. It is sort of Windows 365 and Microsoft 365 for developers. Create a development system in the cloud.

Google makes it easier for Chrome users to search on images instead of words.

Microsoft announces Power Pages. It is a system that makes building websites easier.

Microsoft claims to have 10million users of its Xbox Cloud Gaming.

And Microsoft announces Live Share. It is supposed to make it easier to work together on Teams.

Walmart expands its drone deliveries. You have to live within a mile of a special store.

Dyson promises robots to do household chores. Coming in five or ten years. Of course there are thousands of reasons this won't work.

Amazon is having a brain drain. It just isn't that rewarding to tolerate what Amazon's engineers and scientists have tolerated.

China launches a ship they call a "drone carrier" that carries autonomous flying vehicles, water surface vehicles, and submersibles.

We, the American public, have gone terribly wrong in how we hire and train law enforcement officers.

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Thursday 26 May 2022

Risk and lack of reward. Snowflake is a tech company. Many of its employees forego salary and take stock as compensation. That risk pays well sometimes. At Snowflake, and many other tech companies, it is not paying at all the past few months. Too bad for them. And since their compensation dropped, so will their spending at the restaurant, motel, and many other places where employees are not paid much and really need all the income and tips they can get. It all connects. It all disconnects.

Amazon's CEO is paid $212Million a year. He has made the company at least ten times that with his work in cloud computing. Of course it sounds ridiculous to be paid that much. He does pay income tax like the rest of us.

Nvidia's financial and market boom continues. Someone this report makes it sound like bad news.

Apple boosts the pay of its hourly worker by 45%. Starting workers will receive $22 per hour.

Pandemic prosperity continues for Lenovo. That is a Chinese company. China was the origin of this whole mess.

Seems this should happen more often from manufacturer's. LG turns its TV into a computer monitor.

Boeing's Starliner capsule returns to earth. Boeing is far behind schedule, but progress is better than no progress. We need competitors in this market.

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Friday 27 May 2022

Rumors persist of Microsoft working on an inexpensive device that connects to a TV and brings Xbox Cloud Gaming.

It's a bad time to jump into big tech. A correction is occurring that is bringing down stock prices and everything else.

All this stay-at-home online schooling for kids in America during the pandemic wasn't secure as advertised. Problems were everywhere despite school board claims of safety. Yet another example of public officials lying to the public during the pandemic. This is bad for all of us.

Dell has another good financial quarter as it comes out of the PC-buying boom of the pandemic.

The rumored purchase of VMWare by Broadcom takes another step towards reality. The price is $61Billion.

Zoomtowns, those places people to which tech-hub persons moved during the pandemic, are now struggling. The long-time residents have been priced out of the housing market.

Tesla plans a car-charging facility in Los Angeles. Remember the first Internet cafes in America? They lasted six month. Such will be these charging meccas.

Tim Cook donates $100,000 to his high school band. Good for him. More of this should happen.

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Saturday 28 May 2022

Much of the news this week is bad. Many of the reactions to the events are worse than the events themselves. "We must pass laws that prevent bad events," is the cry. Simply find all the persons who would do bad things and remove them from the presence of the rest of us. That cry hasn't changed in 30 or 40 centuries. Guns, car, narcotics. Find a thing to blame and remove it. Sorry, and I am really sorry, but it isn't that simple.

It appears that many Russian weapons simply don't work. Great photos of rockets that flew and literally stuck in the mud without exploding.

The Russians are bringing old tanks out of storage to use in Ukraine. As I wrote when this all began, pray for Russian soldiers. They are being sent to their deaths. They don't know where they are going or what they are supposed to be doing there. They are kids. They are just like the kids in my neighborhood. They hold life and death in their hands and they don't know hold to hold them.

15,000 persons in the tech industry lost their jobs in May. Bidenflation is taking its toll.

Coming next year: 30 TeraByte disk drives. That is so much storage that no one will every see 99% of it in a lifetime.

Worldwide, people have invested in cryptocurrency thinking it was stable and safe. Countless people lost everything they had. Crypto currencies are not stable. They are volatile like all investments in companies that can be mismanaged and go broke.

Haven't ridden in Uber lately? It will cost a lot more now than it did. More Bidenflation.

Perhaps we have a new creative industry. Make those little USB things you plug into the outlet in fun and entertaining shapes.

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Sunday 29 May 2022

Lowe's partners with Dell to try to stay ahead of the online retail crowd.

Google bans deepfake work in their Colab online development environment.

Researchers build radio-controlled robots that are 0.5 mm wide. See the video and watch one walk along the edge of a penny. One day we look forward to robots that will crawl and swim through our bodies to kill disease at the micro level.

Now we have "hybrid competence." That is the ability to excel in a hybrid work situation wherein a person alternates between working in the office and somewhere else.

Rich Russians have learned ways to hide their big yachts. It is easier than most thought.

A firm grasp of the obvious: we see once again why Federal gun control won't happen. It isn't a Federal issue. One law for all of America is nonsensical.

Reports of how the Russian economy is falling apart. Unless the west steps in to rebuild Russia, as I think it should, the Russian people will suffer for a couple of generations.

Real news that is not new: PhD students don't earn enough to live. It was that way in the 1980s with me. It hasn't changed.

This weekend is Memorial Day. It is not Armed Forces Day. It is not Veterans Day. We don't "celebrate" Memorial Day. We don't say, "Happy Memorial Day." It is somber. We remember those who are not with us today. They are not here because they died making is possible for us to be here. We mourn their absence.

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