Phillips' Day Book
Items I
happen to view each day. Science, Technology, Management, Culture, and
This is my day book for this week. It is a log of things
I see on the Internet.
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This week: 25 June-1
July, 2018
Summary of this week:
- California builds an online community college
- FDA approves a marijuana-based drug CBD
- Supreme Court upholds the "Trump travel ban"
- Apple and Samsung finally settle their 7-year lawsuit
- Amazon buys PillPack and leaps in the medical instrustry
Monday - Tuesday - Wednesday
- Thursday - Friday - Saturday
- Sunday
Monday 25 June 2018
Typical Monday...very little news on Monday.
learning: will it become as common as databases at work?
government of California is trying to create an online community college
for everyone in the state. I trust they have the money for this?
replace waiters. Tablet enable customers to bash waiters. Was this a
good idea?
coordinated, committed group with a plan for continuous testing and
improvement can run circles around a disorganized group of frightened
dilettantes."—Seth Godin
driving by Uber. Go back 20 years. How many of you rode in a taxi that
cut corners? I rode in many of them. We didn't have a world wide
communicator on us to report it.
course US companies sell surveillance software to governments that watch
their subjects closely.
beats the Pikes Peak climb record with an all-electric race car.
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Tuesday 26 June 2018
extends sale prices to Prime members at Whole Foods nationwide. Of
course the prices at Whole Foods are still higher than just about
anywhere else.
more detailed reading here. The history of how Intel and AMD came to be
where they are today and why it is so difficult to move into processors
for mobile devices. The didn't call it "Wintel" for nothing.
NSA and AT&T and spying.
thoughts about facial recognition software and its use in law
enforcement. The promise is far ahead of the reality.
the $500-billion Chinese internet giant, becomes a platinum member of
the Linux Foundation.
WiFi Alliance begins certifying products for the WPA3 security protocol.
government of Venezuela continues to attempt to contain its subjects,
now blocking Tor.
will stream NFL games to mobiles this season. Of course you'll have to
pay for it.
look at Elon Musk's private school for a handful of SpaceX kids. We are
back to the 1700s as this is how the wealthy educated their children for
several hundred years.
Cook speaks about immigration. Yes, there are immigrants working for
Apple, but none hired on the Texas-Mexico border. A few words. Do you
think you are really smart and can solve problems? If yes, help the world.
Go to that border and solve the problems. Go ahead. Please. We need your
brilliance. None of immigrants at Apple crossed the Rio Grande on foot.
Hiring a Computer Science master's degree holder from a foreign country
has nothing to do with supporting an illiterate family fleeing death from
the hands of drug lords in Central America. Abosolutely nothing. Please,
focus on the real issues and don't extrapolate from one thing to the next.
not kid ourselves: robots of all types replace humans in the workforce.
Some displaced persons may find other careers. Note "some" and "may."
One person explains how he replaced jobs with a machine he built.
This story
must be important as it is all over the Internet: Our FDA approves a
marijuana-based drug.
government of China bans HBO after a "comedian" jokes about a Party
leader. Well, they don't have a Bill of Rights there, so what's the news
me at d.phillips@computer.org
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Wednesday 27 June 2018
adds the Explore tab to Maps. The program is more personal, and that can
be good, and that can be bad.
announces Cloud Filestore: a fully managed network attached storage
(NAS) service in the cloud.
was building very large drones that would circle and provide Internet
access. Facebook WAS doing this—everything is cancelled. Everyone is
laid off.
updates its lower-performance and lower-priced Snapdragon processors for
lower-priced smartphones.
claims to have improved its facial recognition software. This is all
supervised learning. If you train on one race, it works on one race. If
you train on several races...this isn't complicated. It does, however,
cost more money to do better.
Amazon hires executives away from Microsoft.
reporter works as an Amazon Flex package delivery person for one day. Of
course you don't make any money doing this. It is a part-time job that
pays less than minimum wage. And Amazon's "employees" protest Amazon
helping US Law Enforcement catch murdered, thugs, and thieves. Where is
the protest over the mistreatment of Americans who want to earn some lunch
US Supreme Court upholds the "Trump travel ban" as a lawful exercise of
a law passed by both parties in both houses of Congress.
introduces a new line of processors for smartwatches—this line built of
kids (parents).
of the rich and famous: look at this $100Million Silicon Valley home.
completely revises its advertising products.
look at the $10Billion battle for the cloud computing contract for the
among tech workers is pretty high. This is a management problem.
Perhaps company managers see an stream of eager employees coming along.
Burn the ones you have now. A younger one will be here next here to churn
code. Low unemployment plus cheap foreign labor ... the result is
predictable and was predicted.
61 is released.
me at d.phillips@computer.org
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Thursday 28 June 2018
and Samsung finally settle their seven-year legal battle over who copied
whom's smartphone.
is giving us all the picture-in-picture feature previously subscription
will build a factory in Wisconsin, and taxpayers will give give and give
to Foxconn.
real soon now—sooner than expected—are SD cards that hold 128TeraBytes.
of the reasons we can't have nice things...Google reminds its employees
that its internal bulletin boards are for nice people who are nice to
one another. Let's all behave so we can enjoy this. Huh? What is so
difficult about this?
world of high-performance computing has slowly shifted in the last few
years to one of Linux and the GPU.
those clever space launches out of Florida are causing big headaches for
the US airlines in the region.
ups its membership in The Linux Foundation. Google uses Linux on all its
machines and wants more influence.
me at d.phillips@computer.org
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Friday 29 June 2018
is a pretty good idea: Google spend the $3Billion (they do have this
kind of money) and give every home in America a free smart speaker
gadget. In one day they would leapfrog Amazon.
jump start Apple on a new run...they need to build a car.
brings a Show Mode to its inexpensive Fire tablets. At last, a conduit
to good content with little effort.
advances the art of robots that look like movie stuntmen. Fly through
the air and do things you wouldn't ask a person to do.
fiction writer Harlan Ellison dies at 84.
believe by a large majority that the famous social media sites censor
political views.
grocery stores will start using autonomous vehicles to deliver groceries
to our homes. Convenience, yes. Jobs? Probably not.
jumps further into the medical industry by buying PillPack for $1Billion.
me at d.phillips@computer.org
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Saturday 30 June 2018
had a nation-wide outage on Friday due to a few cables that were
accidentally cut. No doubt someone with a backhoe digging a ditch. We
learn who has the real power—a high-school dropout on a tractor.
our NSA admits to collecting phone calls it wasn't supposed to...some
sort of technical problem or other. No worry, they are deleting
appears that no one has been able to abide by the GDPR since no one can
actually understand it.
through million$ and tech and STEM and all the right stuff at public
schools in San Francisco...and none of it worked. Sometimes the solution
is much simpler and cheaper.
Mint 19 is released.
in China and the US and the result. Keep your head in the clouds and
major in political science and your economy will suffer. See, e.g., the
United States.
concept of absorbing medicine through the skin via a band-aid is coming
to reality.
me at d.phillips@computer.org
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Sunday 1 July 2018
me at d.phillips@computer.org
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