by Dwayne Phillips
People with no experience in a situation do the unthinkable. Often, the unthinkable leads to the impossible, and we want to know about the impossible.
Kids do things that are just, well, I struggle to describe them as they are out of the ordinary. Here are a few examples:
- My oldest son once chipped a tooth with the knob end of a baseball bat while hitting a baseball. I still don’t understand how that is physically possible.
- College students write and submit long papers, but don’t write their name on the paper.
- A big brother is given a “time out,” and his little sister punishes herself because she always imitates him.
I could go on. The point is that kids do things that make no sense. Their inexperience leaves a void in knowledge.
No knowledge is often the best kind of knowledge. It leads to discoveries, to knowledge that no one has.
My advice:
Spend time around kids and other inexperienced people and learn from them.
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