by Dwayne Phillips
How do you do something everyday for ten years? You do it everyday (for ten years).
Every morning, with very few exceptions, I sit and view the news on the Internet. I make notes in a weblog. See here and here. Recently, I noted that I had done this for ten years.
How do you do something for ten years? You do it one day, then the next, then the next. Simple? Yes. Easy? Not always.
It helps if you are interested in it, if you want to do it, if you have THE ENERGY (I guess that is the general term some people use). Why don’t I quit this? I enjoy it. I learn daily. I like to learn.
Please note: If you are 50 and start playing the guitar, by the time you are 70 you can say you have played the guitar for twenty years. That may impress others. In any event, you will have played the guitar for twenty years and you may be a pretty good guitar player.
How do you play the guitar for twenty years? You play it today. You play it the next day, and the next, and the next. It is surprising how ten or twenty years pass.
Simple? Yes.
Write a short story this week. Write a short story next week. Pretty soon you have written several hundred of them.
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