by Dwayne Phillips
I know what I’m doing. You don’t. I can have fun. You can’t.
As a kid, I used to see wild stunts on television. They always prefaced them with, “Don’t try this at home.” Why not? Why could they do things, but I couldn’t?
Of course they had years of this and that and expertise and equipment that I didn’t. It seemed, however, that they were having all the fun. They were experimenting. They were learning. They were growing. I was sitting on the floor staring up at a black and white TV doing nothing, going no where.
“You need to learn a bunch of things before you learn this.” I think that is what they were telling me. But how would I learn if I didn’t try what they did on TV?
“But you need to go slowly. This could hurt.” As if going to first grade at age 5 with a bunch of kids who were all bigger than me and none of whom I had ever met before wasn’t going to hurt—a whole lot.
Everyone else needs to proceed with caution. Everyone else needs to go slow. Everyone else needs to watch me for a long while before…
Really? Who decided that?
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