by Dwayne Phillips
There are other words, but there are three basic things to consider in projects and project management, so let’s review these basics.
Time goes on. We have new methods and methodologies (let’s toss in a couple of extra syllables to trick in unknowing into thinking that we are thinking), but there are basics and now and then we should review them.
Performance: What is it? What is it we will have when we are finished? A cookbook? A reservation system? A social media platform? A bridge across a river? How good will it be? How difficult is it to make it? What could possibly go wrong?
Schedule: When? When will we start? When will we end? When will we be at a place where we have to decide something important? Where is our calendar? How difficult will it be for us to be at the right place at the right time? What could possibly go wrong?
Cost: How much? How much money will we need? How many persons will we need? What type of persons will we need? Do we have enough? Will we have enough? Does anyone have enough? Where will we get the money and persons? How difficult will it be to gather these? What could possible go wrong?
These are a few words, a few questions. There have been libraries written on these. I wrote a few books myself. Review a few now and then. It may provide some helpful insight.
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