by Dwayne Phillips
It sure is hard to understand fill-in-the-blank. Or is it hard to understand what someone wrote about it?
I recently experimented with Jekyll. Good grief! That’s complicated!
I also experimented with Git and GitHub. Good grief! Those things are complicated!
And then I read several textbooks on machine learning and convolutional neural networks. Wow, how complicated can you get?
Then I read a short post on convolutional neural networks. Hmm. Simple. Oh, that’s what they are doing.
Which brings me to the title of the post. Is the thing complicated or the description of the thing? Why do people write convoluted circular complicated and whatever descriptions of things? Such isn’t necessary.
Are these descriptions some sort of test? If you can understand how I describe this, you are smart enough to be worthy of my time. I don’t understand. Someone please teach me, and do it in a simple manner, please.
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