by Dwayne Phillips
If you want something in return for something, state that contract first.
Person A: Guess what? blah blah blah.
Person B: Oh my goodness.
Person A: You can’t tell anyone what I just told you.
Person B: Why not?
Person A: Because.
Person B: You should have stated the non-disclosure agreement before telling me blah blah blah.
Person A: Well, you can’t tell anyone what I just told you.
Person B: I didn’t give you permission to tell me something that put me in a predicament.
Person A: Well, you can’t betray my trust.
Person B: What trust? You just told me something that you shouldn’t have told me.
Person A: Well, I need you to help me here.
Person B: You should have asked for help first.
Person A: Silence.
Person B: I will do what I think is best with this blah blah blah. That may not be what you think is best.
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