by Dwayne Phillips
Lest we forget, we have always had more data than we could process. For some reason, we are now recording it with magnetism.
I just read yet another article telling me that “data is everywhere.” Then there are the usual numbers of peta-peta-something-or-other bytes of data every second or so. Cries follow of, “how are we going to use all this data?”
Eventually, the magazine article tells me to hire the writer who just happens to sell data processing this and that.
Data has always been everywhere. Leonardo Di Vinci had more data than he could process. He just didn’t have a machine that stored data using magnetism in one way or another. Now we do. Now these machines costs little compared to a rich person’s income (like me and like mine).
The poor of the world don’t seem to have data everywhere.
Funny how that works. Rich people create technologies that show what the rich people are lacking so the rich people can spend their riches on what only they lack.
Oh well.
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