by Dwayne Phillips
We need more explainers. These are persons who answer the question, “Whatcha’ doin’?”
- Whatcha’ doin’?
- Hows’it work?
- How ya’ doin’?
These are simple questions. These are the basic questions we ask others all the time. Often, we repeat the question six or seven times in different forms and still don’t receive an answer. Why? Because we don’t have enough explainers.
An explainer has the ability to answer a basic question. An explainer can understand a question and answer that question instead of answering 531 other questions.
The explainer gives the who, what, where, when, why, and how.
Somehow, the explainer keeps track of those things, sticks to those things, and doesn’t wander off into the weeks.
The explainer understands how much detail the person asking the question wants.
For some reason, we don’t have many explainers hanging around. Those of us who are explainers are quite irritated by those who either cannot or do not want to explain.
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