Working Up

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Just Doing Their Jobs (For Better or Worse)

May 30th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Despite the celebrity appearances of celebrities, the vase majority of folks just do their jobs (for better or worse).

As I write, the months-long antitrust trial of Google may draw to a close. As this article reports, the vast majority of Google employees aren’t giving that thing the slightest bit of attention. They are doing their jobs (for better or worse).

I worked for a government agency for 28 years. I have worked over ten years supporting several other government agencies. Now and then, the media reports BIG HEADLINES about these agencies and their heads and someone who is making note of all these.

When I first started working in government, I would notice these headlines and ask people at work how we would all react. People shrugged, waved their hand dismissively, and continued their work. They could not care any less about the headlines.

Most government agencies, most big companies, et al are headed by celebrities. Most media outlets are run by celebrities. Most of these celebrities love to be on TV and be seen everywhere else we see celebrities in the 21st century.

In the eyes of the celebrities, what the celebrities do and say is all important. In the eyes of 98.6% of the folks who work, the celebrities aren’t worth a breath, a moment, an ounce of consideration.

Do your job. Try to make good things happen. Ignore those whose life goal is to be important.

Perhaps that is a good thing. Perhaps not. Perhaps the Google antitrust trial is key to the future of big tech, privacy, competition, free enterprise, the American way, justice, etc. Perhaps not. Perhaps it is just a bunch of celebrities at Google and the Department of Justice creating a space in the media so they can be celebrities. Perhaps not.

Tags: Appearances · Fable · Fashion · Google · Humility · Justice · Work

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