Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Time to Write

May 16th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Many people struggle to find that elusive “time to write.” Others struggle to find to do anything else but write.

Some people try in vain to find that elusive “time to write.” Something else is always in the way. This happens; that happens, and the time to write is not there. Fatigue wins again.

Some writers are quite annoying to others in that the writer is simply “not here.” The writer is somewhere else writing. There are no boundaries as the writer simply cannot do anything else but write.

It is almost a disease in that the writer must write to breathe. Boundaries are required to allow the writer to rejoin the rest of us.

  • Eat? Too busy writing.
  • Sleep? Too busy writing.
  • Whatever it is that normal people are doing at this time? Too busy writing.

Writing is not the only preoccupation that exhibits this preoccupation with whatever it is. Some people exercise, some teach, some argue, etc.

Time to write? Why not?

Tags: Choose · Communication · Concepts · Reading · Time · Writing

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