Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Choosing the Problem

July 11th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

For those who have the resources to choose the problems for those who can solve them, please, choose wisely.

Smart scientists, engineers, and problem solvers abound. Well, maybe not abound, but given the population of the earth, there are millions of these folks.

What problems are they trying to solve? Rocket engines? Micro-sized medical devices? Augmented reality that greatly improves a surgeon’s opportunity to perform surgery? How about making yet another cute smiley face?

Smiley face? Yes, cute, but how much does that help all of us?

There are folks out there with piles of money. They are the ones who choose the problems that these smart problem solvers solve. If you are one of these problem-choosing folks, please choose better than yet another smile face. Finance things that are more important than a way to choose the cutest fill-in-the-blank.

Let’s do better.

Tags: Choose · Problems · Requirements · Resources · Solutions

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