Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Communications Channels and Checks

July 8th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Let not check a communications channel using that same communications channel. It is pretty silly to do so.

Since the great pandemic of the early 2020s, I have been part of countless ZoomerTeams meetings. Almost every one starts with, “Can everyone hear me?”

Let’s pause and think. If a participant cannot hear the person asking the question, how would they be able to respond?

Another example from many years ago. At a school meeting of parents, the speaker said (in English), “If you speak Spanish but not English, sit over here as we have a Spanish-speaking translator available.” Silly. How would a Spanish-speaking person understand… need I continue?

Check a communications channel with another communications channel. In the ZoomerTeams meeting, show a slide that reads something like, “I am now speaking. If you can hear me speaking, say so in the chat channel.”

If you have a message for Spanish speakers, send it in Spanish, not English.

I could go on with the silly examples and all too obvious ways to check communications channels. Lets do better.

Tags: Appearances · Clarity · Communication · Conversation · Respect · Thinking

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