Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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In Praise of Embarrassment

July 25th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

I am happy to learn that embarrassment still exists. We still aspire.

I recently read an article about how people are not asking Siri and the like questions in public by voice. They type the questions instead of saying them aloud. They are a bit embarrassed to let other people hear their questions.

Wonderful. Great news. I am encouraged. Embarrassment still exists!

We still aspire. We still want to do better. We still don’t want to admit our silly little mistakes that plague us. Let’s move upwards (wherever upwards is, but it isn’t here).

I find embarrassment to be a good quality. It is humble. It says, “I can do much better than this.” Let’s do much better than this.

Tags: Adapting · Appearances · Improvement · Self · Simple · Talk · Thinking · Visibility

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