Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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It’s All Written Except for the Words

August 15th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

I have a concept, an idea, just the right thing. Now “all I have to do” is put it into words.

I have a great idea. Here, you write it up and we’ll share the money.—Many a person who thinks they are a great thinker.

A famous author (I can’t think of the name at this time, if anyone knows it, please tell me) once said something about such “great thinkers.” It was something like, “I have great ideas all the time as well. Sometimes I actually write all the necessary words and have a ‘great novel.'”

The great idea is a concept or an idea. First, I scribble some thoughts around the idea. Okay, I have some scribbles on a sticky note or a Starbucks food sleeve (those things are great for scribbling). Now what?

Oh, someone has to write all the words so that my great idea is understandable by others. Others will find it entertaining and maybe even throw money my way.

“All I have to do” is write all the words. Sometimes that takes five minutes. Sometimes it takes a lifetime. Sometimes I think this should be easier, but it isn’t. It still is worth a try.

Tags: Concepts · Ideas · Thinking · Work · Writing

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