Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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The Don’t-Provide-A-Solution Solution

August 12th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Sometimes the better solution is to not provide a solution. After all, who decided that this was a problem and I was the person to solve it?

“Here is your problem, and here is my solution. Use it,” said a confident problem solver.

I’m a smart guy. I can see things others usually miss. I see problems in the lives of other people. Sometimes I even see the problems in my own life. I pass along solutions. Who wouldn’t want to solve their problems?

Two items here.

First, who appointed me to be the problem recognizer and solver of the world? Keep my mouth shut, keep my eyes closed, and work on my own life (if I want).

Second, sometimes a person’s problem is a key part of their life. If the problem went away, their life would go away. Do I want to take their life away from them. Then what would happen?

There are many times when the best “solution” is not to provide a solution. Can I accept this other person as they are? If not, that is my problem. Oh, another problem. Do I have a solution to that I-can’t-stop-providing-solutions problem? Where was I? Oh yes: move on.

Tags: Other · Problems · Review · Self · Solutions

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