Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Entries from September 2024

How Simple Can You Be?

September 19th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips This is a question we should constantly ask. Try the simplest thing to be, to do, to have. Several years ago, I posed a question to participants at a conference session I was facilitating. The design problem was about storing information from a business. I wanted a design of a system that […]


Tags: Choose · Design · Learning · Problems · Simple · Solutions

A Thousand Assistants

September 16th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips This is a tried and true method of gathering requirements and specifying systems. Imagine you had a thousand assistants. There are various methods of gathering requirements and specifying systems. A basic one is to imagine a thousands assistants awaiting your request. If you had a thousand assistants, what would you have them […]


Tags: Analysis · Design · General Systems Thinking · Requirements · Simple · Systems

No More, “Maybe I Didn’t Remember Correctly”

September 12th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips Given histories on the Internet, the good news is that I can find the correct date and event. The bad news is, I no longer have the excuse that, “Maybe I didn’t remember correctly.” That is just lazy. I am making notes of my life for my children and grandchildren. The sort […]


Tags: Accountability · Childhood · Error · Event · Excuses · History · Internet · Research · Work

Kids’ Sports and the Company Picinc

September 9th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips Some advice on kids’ sports. This is really good advice. As usual, someone else gave it to me. Major league baseball is concluding yet another season. The Little League baseball national and international tournaments just concluded (putting all those kids’ games on national TV live was a horrible mistake). What’s one to […]


Tags: Adults · Competence · Fun · Learning · Teaching


September 5th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips Sometimes, the one thing needed for a person to do something new and frightening is simply permission. Here is how to write a book: Simple? Yes. Works? Absolutely, I have done this about a dozen times. You start. When you reach the end, you stop. But what about…? Yes, we can ask […]


Tags: Communication · Knowledge · Management · Permission · Resources

The Inner Circle Versus Too Many People in the Room

September 2nd, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips We can have too many people in the room to discuss something. We can also become locked in an inner circle where no one else understands what we are doing. There should be a balance. There are too many people in the room: Twenty people (pick a number) is too many. There […]


Tags: Analysis · Communication · Concepts · Ideas · Management · Meetings