Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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A Thousand Assistants

September 16th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

This is a tried and true method of gathering requirements and specifying systems. Imagine you had a thousand assistants.

There are various methods of gathering requirements and specifying systems. A basic one is to imagine a thousands assistants awaiting your request. If you had a thousand assistants, what would you have them doing?

“Oh,” is how the reply usually begins, “I would tell them to…” And so one flows the requirements and specification.

A system, usually involving a computer and software, is a simulation of a machine. A machine is a device that does what a thousand assistants would do. Hence, a thousand assistants tell us what the computer and software should do.

This is a simple method. I have used it dozens of times. There is something about it that helps people relax, think, and tell system builders what they want. Don’t try so hard. Try something simple.

Tags: Analysis · Design · General Systems Thinking · Requirements · Simple · Systems

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