Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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September 5th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Sometimes, the one thing needed for a person to do something new and frightening is simply permission.

Here is how to write a book:

  • Write the first page
  • Write the next page
  • Write the next page
  • Continue that
  • Write the last page
  • Stop

Simple? Yes. Works? Absolutely, I have done this about a dozen times. You start. When you reach the end, you stop.

But what about…? Yes, we can ask dozens of those “what about” questions. And yes, we should probably answer them if we expect anyone to successfully write a book (whatever “successfully” means).

Still, for some persons, this is all the instructions they need. They have a book in them and all the resources needed to put the words on paper. What they lack is permission. No one has ever told them that they have a book in them and all the resources needed to put the words on paper. Once they hear that, once they have permission, they will write the book no matter how simplistic the instructions.

This is writing a book. I know something about writing a book. There are many other endeavors for which I just shrug my shoulders. Start a business? Invent a new medicine? Retire? It doesn’t matter. What many people need is permission. They will figure out the rest.

Give permission. We can do this.

Tags: Communication · Knowledge · Management · Permission · Resources

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