by Dwayne Phillips
The first rule of consulting involves how much improvement a consultant can suggest at a time. Recent news highlights this rule and the peril caused by ignoring it.
There is an unwritten rule among smart consultants that you only suggest things that improve a situation by about 10%—no more.
If you suggest something simple that will increase productivity by 50%, you have embarrassed the current persons because they are managing a grossly ineffective and inefficient operation, i.e., they are ineffective and inefficient managers.
Mr. Musk et al are basically consultants trying to improve operations in the Executive Branch of our Federal government. These consultants, however, are breaking the unwritten rule and suggesting improvements that are so simple and effective as to embarrass the current operations persons. Hence, loud cries of angst are present.
Mr. Musk is new to consulting endeavors. He is accustomed to owning businesses wherein he directs, not consults. Perhaps he will learn in time to be more effective—perhaps not.
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