Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Seeing Something Wonderful

June 27th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

It is wonderful to see a small child see something wonderful.

I sit in Starbucks typing these words on a Saturday morning. Now and then someone enters with a small child—a child small enough that they have to stand on their toes and stretch their neck to see what is in the display area.

The small children see some things that are wonderful. I cannot describe the expression of wonder in a small child. I only know that it is wonderful to witness. The child has just seen the greatest thing in the world. Perhaps that thing is great, perhaps it is disappointing. Regardless, the child sees it as wonderful.

Perhaps the thing is not that wonderful. Perhaps what is wonderful is the person who has brought the child to this place of wonder. The experience, the morning, that is what is wonderful. It is a wonderful day brought about by a thoughtful, loving, caring person. That is also wonderful to see. Perhaps we have a chance to be okay.

Tags: Childhood · Hope · Simple · Thank you · Wishes

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