Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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August 8th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

This is impractical. Still, someone wants to do it with their own resources. Please, do it.

I want to write a novel. Why? We already have a zillion novels. Go to the library and read a few.

I want to make a movie. Why? We already have a zillion movies. Go to PrimeFlix or something and watch a few.

I want to build a computer. Why? MicroBuy already has a zillion computers. Go there and buy one.

I want to fill-in-the-blank. Why? We have enough of that already, don’t we? Do something practical, huh?

Use your resources as you choose. Go ahead and do it. Who cares if it is impractical? Practice.

Tags: Energy · Experiment · Ideas · Practice · Resources · Writing

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