Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Apologizing for Success in Social Media

March 19th, 2018 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

For some reason, some social media pioneers are apologizing for reaching their dreams.

Well, the Russians have done it. They are the smartest persons in the history of the world. They sat back and let others do all the work to create platforms that they, the Russians, could use to control the world. At least that is what I read on the Internet.

And the Russians have some social media pioneers apologizing for their success. Facebook is the most famous one, but Twitter and Google and now Reddit are in on the apologies.

At least Wikimedia seems to understand the situation. They candidly tell everyone, “Of course people edit the content. This is a wiki. People are supposed to edit and add content.”

Why don’t Facebook and the others say the same? Why are they embarrassed for reaching their dreams of creating places where people can add content that is viewable by everyone?

And, by the way, just because someone can write stuff everyone can view does not mean that everyone will view it and anyone will believe it. There are, believe it or not, adults still inhabiting the world.

Tags: Adults · Success

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