Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Don’t Try So Hard

November 9th, 2020 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Sometimes we are trying so hard that we fail to notice the simple and wonderful things right in front of us.

Person A: I don’t see. It can’t find it. That idea, that concept, that thing that I’m trying to write. Where is it?

Person B: Don’t try so hard.

Person A: What? Look, if I just focus, if I just concentrate, it’s here, I know it, I just need to…

Person B: Don’t try so hard.

Person A: Sigh. Don’t you get it? I am working here. This is my income. I have to…

Person B: Don’t try so hard.

Person A: Okay, you have my attention. Tell me. What is all this “Don’t try so hard.”

Person B: You said it yourself, it is right in front of you, whatever it is. Relax. Breathe. Calm. Now look with softer eyes with softer edges. It is right there. See it now?

Person A: Well, maybe. I mean there is something there, but it isn’t quite right.

Person B: What is missing?

Person A: A little more of this, a little less of that. Here that might work.

Person B: Write that. Write that right now. You have it. Use it. Do it.

Person A: Wait a minute. What happened? What was the trick? What did you do?

Person B: I didn’t do anything. You did. You stopped trying so hard.

Person A: So, I think I get it. Focusing too hard constricts the blood vessels and restricts the flow of oxygen, and prevents clear thinking Aha, that’s it.

Person B: Don’t try so hard. Breathe. Notice. Take it and go.

Tags: General Systems Thinking · Notice · Observation · Thinking · Work · Writing

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