Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Entries Tagged as 'Honesty'

I Don’t Understand What You Are Saying

June 10th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips Sometimes we just don’t understand when someone else doesn’t understand. I was recently attending a meeting online. This was one of those ZoomerTeams things where the PowerPoint was on the screen and the presenter was talking in a room with one of those microphones on the conference table. I couldn’t understand what […]


Tags: Clarity · Communication · Expectations · Honesty · Humility · Listening · Respect

Vocabulary and Ceremonies

February 29th, 2024 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips We often use the vocabulary and ceremonies of a prescribed practice without actually doing anything worthwhile. Daily standup, peer review, prototype, minimum viable product, agility, AI, agent, etc.: examples of vocabulary that makes it appear as if something good is happening. Do they have a minimum viable product? Is there product much […]


Tags: Communication · Honesty · Practice · Process · Vocabulary · Work

Did Anyone Read This?

November 13th, 2023 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips A partial list of boo boos I have seen in published documents over the years. If anyone had read these things, surely they would have found these things. Right? I guess an editor or someone like that should have read this, but it appears that no one did. Here is a partial […]


Tags: Accountability · Appearances · Honesty · Reading · Reality · Writing


July 31st, 2023 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips An apology is just that—an apology. It is neither an explanation nor a justification. Rats! An apology is simple: I did this wrong. I am sorry for that. I ask your forgiveness. An apology does not contain an explanation: I was trying to do such-and-such and … An apology does not contain […]


Tags: Accountability · Adults · Authentic · Change · Communication · Conversation · Error · Ethics · Excuses · Honesty

Increments, Perfection, Fear, Candor, and Pride

February 16th, 2023 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips Today’s practice of delivering software and systems emphasizes continuous delivery. Today’s practice, however, fails at this. Technology is not the problem. CI/CD is continuous integration and continuous delivery (or deployment). Work everyday. As each little increment of capability is finished, deliver it. Perhaps we deliver every day and perhaps several times every […]


Tags: Communication · DevOps · Expectations · Experiment · Honesty · Ideas · Leadership · Technology

Sometimes I Don’t Take the Podium

February 6th, 2023 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips I like to speak in front of audiences. I like to take the podium and talk. Sometimes, however, I don’t take the podium. Sometimes, I need another person to stand in the way and say, “No, not today.” I recently attended a memorial service for someone who died. Close family members stood […]


Tags: Breathe · Clarity · Decide · Fatigue · Health · Honesty · Humility · Permission

Politics and the English Language

January 23rd, 2023 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips For what it is worth, and I think it is worth much, read or review Orwell’s “Politics and the English Language.” I didn’t take many English courses in college (just one). While happy, at the time, to skip needless courses, I sometimes regret what I could have learned. Then again, I was […]


Tags: Communication · General Systems Thinking · Honesty · Thinking · Writing


January 2nd, 2023 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips No one lied, they just omitted some information. There are ways to find the omissions and those things are some of the more important pieces of information we need. No one lied, they just omitted a few bits and pieces of information. And, oh, if we had those bits and pieces of […]


Tags: Appearances · Communication · Ethics · Fear · Honesty · Information · Questions · Talk

Friendly Testers

November 17th, 2022 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips It may be a good idea to have your friends test your system. Who should test your system? Who should tell you what they think about your idea? Who should read the manuscript of your novel? Friends or a “friendly audience” may be the answer to these and related questions. Consider the […]


Tags: Authentic · Honesty · Information · Learning · Testing

Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Mimicry

September 15th, 2022 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips There is nothing wrong with mimicry. Let’s stop kidding ourselves; much of today’s machine learning is simple mimicry. mimicry: noun, the action or art of imitating someone or something, typically in order to entertain or ridicule. Let’s be candid here. Much of Machine Learning (ML)—a currently popular branch of Artificial Intelligence (AI)—is […]


Tags: Artificial Intelligence · Communication · Honesty · Machine Learning