Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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November 18th, 2019 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

There are always alternatives. We, however, don’t always admit and use this. Pity us and our results.

Person A: This is the situation, this is what we are going to do.

Person B: Interesting. What alternatives did you consider?

Person A: Well, lots of them.

Person B: Interesting. What alternatives did you consider?

Person A: I just told you, lots of them.

Person B: Interesting. What alternatives did you consider?

Person A: Well, you know, we didn’t keep track of everything. We have a free-flowing, fast-paced style of work here and don’t have time for all that stuff.

Person B: Interesting. What alternatives did you consider?

Person A: Look, I’ve told you. We considered lots of things. We are a group of hard-working, smart people. We know what we are doing.

Person B: I am happy to learn of you unquestionable expertise. Interesting. What alternatives did you consider?

Person A: Hey! It’s over. We decided. Get with it. Stop trying to rehash old things.

Person B: Interesting. What alternatives did you consider?

Tags: Alternatives · Choose · Decide

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