Working Up

Working Up in Project Management, Systems Engineering, Technology, and Writing

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Let’s not Confuse Time with…

January 16th, 2020 · No Comments

by Dwayne Phillips

Time is time. That is all. Equating time with something else is subjective and often prone to error.

Person A: We have been considering this for two years.

Person B: Sounds like an extremely complex subject to require that much thought. May I see the flow of logic through the myriad options and such?

Person A: (silence with a perplexed expression)

Person B: I mean two years of thought. Wow. The flow of logic and derivation much be extensive. Can I see your notes?

Person A: (continued silence and perplexity)

Person B: Surely you aren’t confusing time with thought? Perhaps you were mired in analysis paralysis or being indecisive. Those are common with groups of persons trying to make decisions.

Person A: Well, uh, there was a group of us thinking about this and…

Person B: Were any of your discussions repetitive? That is common without detailed notes, but given your experience you probably took good notes and moved from point to point in the next meeting and…

Person A: Well, maybe we repeated some things and didn’t use our time as good as we could, but you know.

Person B: Oh yes, I know how that is. Surely you used a facilitator to keep the discussions progressing and not circling.

Person A: Facilitator? Oh, well, uh, yes, umm, we took turns and you know.

Person B: Oh yes, I know how that is. But I’m glad that your group reached a conclusion and agreement.

Person A: Oh yes, yes. We are in complete agreement on this.

Person B: Then it would be easy for your group to pass the we-are-in-complete-agreement test. Right?

Person A: The what test?

Person B: I give every person in the group a sheet of paper and a pencil. Without talking or comparing notes in any way, each person writes one sentence that details what everyone agrees upon. We collect the papers, and they all say the same thing. Can we do this?

Person A: (silence with less than happy expression)

Time is time. Equating time with anything else (like thought) is fraught with peril.

Tags: Judgment · Time

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